Tuesday, December 20, 2011

christmasfeelings :D

it is me after a long time again. I was sick sick but now I am feeling better. In four days we will have christmas. And we are having a really beautiful tree, but I don't get a nice picture. I was today to a hairdresser and my hair is shorter now. What else? But she said if I want my hair back to blond at first it will be orange and than somehow blond.
When I was on our christamsmarket with my parents I made it to let my glove falling in the onliest puddel on the place :D
no puddel on the place...

...but I found the onliest one :D

wait, what is this??

oh, Terrass is just this two meters down here ;D
And now our christmastree and I couldn't stand not to make a picture from me.
my mother made a christmascalender for me :DD

the christmastree ^-^

some christmascards (not enough)

me :D
Love Hannah

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Sorry that I am not writing, but I am sick, but I promise to write again when I feel better.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dezember :D

Today is the first of Dezember and it is warm and sunny outside. I'm waiting so much for the sown everyone is talking about. The only way, how here is something christmasy are the decorations and the christmas-market.
Just chritsmasmarket with wonderful tree :D
I was going around taking pictures in the town. My got a package from my mother ;D   I have alredy my christamspresents, but I am not aloud to open them for 24 days. How can I survive this^^
In the school we are having now as bell not any more this nice songs, we are havin Christmas Jingels.
How knows this song? :D
And I made with Brita and Grete sushi. It taste like sea and it smells like rotten fish^^ But I enjoy doing it solong I haven't to eat it afterwards. And here is the proof.
Making sushi like a boss^^

It evertime is turning like this^^ just turn your coputer.

Take rice and all this other stuff = sishi

picter from picture^^

Eat all the sushi.

I am totally 9gag infected^^

This is me. putting much wasabi on it. I haven't to eat it on the end^^
Have you ever tried Cleverbot?

Thougth it is nice to make this picture.
This was it for today.
Love Hannah

Sunday, November 27, 2011

25.11 -26.11.11 theater meeting

Hello back,
I was with my theatergroup to a competition (i founded out that it is a cometition later). everyone has to make something with poems from one estonian poet ( I really don't know the name) and we tooked part.
my great group on a pussycat pictur (on girl is missing   )=   )
It was really nice!!! Have seen great stuff and make my strange stuff^^ Can you belive that i have a accent in estonian language??    :D         But it is true.
When someone knows the first time that I am from germany there starting making "hitler-jokes". It is sad that it seems to be the onlyst thing people know about us...
Now more pictures. I making art ;D

puur Grete. I made her hair.

no this are all of us in the strange train.
Not this good, but well... I made it :D
What are I am doing???

"In your face bitch!"   - I made the picture :D

Karmen :D

Grete sweety
Merjam ^-^

Maria <3
Liisbeth :D
le me    (9gag)

 My weekend :D was great.

Love Hannah

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The first snow comes :DDD and than the wheater changes again )=

One day there was a tiy bit of snow and the next day it was muder. I was so happy to see the snow falling down. It is one of the peacfull pictures you can see. And it remains on christmas.
In old town they putted up a big hugh christmastree and they build a iceskating place. Everywere christmastrees and Santa Claus and at all it is November. Last Year to christmas I have been with my father in Lisboa (Lissabon) it is a beautiful town.
My "normal" Christams day looks like this:
-waking up and opening the 24. door of my calendar
-dressing up for church (how you normally dress up^^)
-seeing the christmastale :DDD       I really like it (I played since today once Maria, once Baltasar, once I                                                               think also Joseph)   :DDD
-going home and eat a big big meal
-doimg nothing and waiting for the parents giving the okay to run to the tree and rup off the paper from the presents^^

or something like this. No I am of course to old to rup off paper... I use a scissor^^
This weekend I will have with my "drama club" a  appearance (I don't know if this is right)
we will perform in front of other people a play.
I really write nonsense.
How is your normaly christmas? What are you doing this day?
Love Hannah

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Big final!!!

My next Post for you. At first to the last two days from the freshmen week. Some pictures and discription^^
waiting for the bus bringing us to the wood.

Go the slide down.

while this they put ketchup and salatdressing on us ;D

water + flouver = a big mass

crouwling over the ground... really funny^^
Waiting for the bus. Still clean, afterwards we puted this suits into the rubbish bin.Full with salatdressing, Ketchup, mud, egs and more. The big finifh of the Foxer week and I think it was much much fun.
The slide was.. ähm really dirty^^

greatings from "Kukluksklan"

 This game up there was:
- first bit in a appel (swimming in water)
--> wet face
- search a "Gummibär" in the pot of flouver (with the face)
--> with mass in the face :D

Something like a list for you about questions people still ask me:

- I have a hostsister here (19) she goes to the same school and a second in Denmark, she is studing
-I have a sweet sweet dog  called "Anna"   ( I also turn my head when someone shout for her)
- My estonian encres, but it is said that you need 5 month to speak good
- I am in the "drama club" at my school (my hobby here, maybe I go to Basketball too)
- I really miss you all (Kerstin, Rike, Agi, Melly, Lorenz, John, Lisa H. , Lisa C. , Lisa W., Nikolaus, Laura, Franzi, Babsi, Johannes, Kilian, den PK und alles was dazu gehört, meine liebe Familie (Frieda meine kleine Schwester und meine tolle Mama besonders)) but I am also happy do be here and I enjoy it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

freshmen week (Foxer week)

I my friends. It is there. Freshmen week called and one of the hardest things I have to go through since I'am in estonia. Okay. I can't find a video or something, but I tell you what I go throgh here.
On monday we come one hour earlier to school. Go into our with suits and than the 12. graders want us to go outside.
There we have to eat garlice, drink discousting stuff, run rounds, push ups and all this exercises. And we have to put real fishes to transport with the mouth to the next one:
fixed one the arm  *urgh and stinki

We haven't made it up to be friends ;D
So I don't like writing in english. I can see my mistakes but not correct them (I am to lazy) I show you pictures like evry time :D
Slave of... touch my ass!

Foxes ears and coloured faces. It looks like fun^^

We have to do what there want^^ No make-up but this nice colours.

They have had fun to do this^^

You want to use your bag?? No way, this is the bag for the week^^


They want us to drink this, but it is better to put it away *igs
More fun is comming!! Thursday up to the wood and do something. I don't know what and Friday in the town earning money by dancing :D
Love Hannah

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

23.10. - 25.10.11 classtrip to St.Petersburg

 Princess Anastassia
Do you belief this!! I have been to russia. Just one day, but I have been there. It was a so nice trip with nearly my whole class. We met 16:oo on the harbour (est.: sadam) and from there started the trip. The first thing was finding the kabins.

littel littel cabin

My room with Brita :D

 We strted drivin 6 p.m. and arrived 6 a.m in the morning. After having a breakfast on the ship  we goes out and in the bus. The whole trip was with the bus and it was'nt easy to make nice pictures. I tried for you.

It has not been the sunniest day, but now some pictures from this "lovely" town. (It remains me on DDR pictures ;D)
red, red, red!!!  :DDD

something looks russian.

russian ;D

they love gold.

theater or something.

hard to understand russian explanaitions. So I don't know what it is^^

My fantastic classmates.

russian chruch. I like the towers.

Schokolaaaaaaaaaaaaaade ;D

having fun fun fun fun...

subway with russian letters.
coming back. Old town from Tallinn.
It was a nice sleepless trip. If you have questions just ask. The wheater was not this nice and the houses needs mostly renovations^^
Love Hannah