Tuesday, December 20, 2011

christmasfeelings :D

it is me after a long time again. I was sick sick but now I am feeling better. In four days we will have christmas. And we are having a really beautiful tree, but I don't get a nice picture. I was today to a hairdresser and my hair is shorter now. What else? But she said if I want my hair back to blond at first it will be orange and than somehow blond.
When I was on our christamsmarket with my parents I made it to let my glove falling in the onliest puddel on the place :D
no puddel on the place...

...but I found the onliest one :D

wait, what is this??

oh, Terrass is just this two meters down here ;D
And now our christmastree and I couldn't stand not to make a picture from me.
my mother made a christmascalender for me :DD

the christmastree ^-^

some christmascards (not enough)

me :D
Love Hannah

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Sorry that I am not writing, but I am sick, but I promise to write again when I feel better.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dezember :D

Today is the first of Dezember and it is warm and sunny outside. I'm waiting so much for the sown everyone is talking about. The only way, how here is something christmasy are the decorations and the christmas-market.
Just chritsmasmarket with wonderful tree :D
I was going around taking pictures in the town. My got a package from my mother ;D   I have alredy my christamspresents, but I am not aloud to open them for 24 days. How can I survive this^^
In the school we are having now as bell not any more this nice songs, we are havin Christmas Jingels.
How knows this song? :D
And I made with Brita and Grete sushi. It taste like sea and it smells like rotten fish^^ But I enjoy doing it solong I haven't to eat it afterwards. And here is the proof.
Making sushi like a boss^^

It evertime is turning like this^^ just turn your coputer.

Take rice and all this other stuff = sishi

picter from picture^^

Eat all the sushi.

I am totally 9gag infected^^

This is me. putting much wasabi on it. I haven't to eat it on the end^^
Have you ever tried Cleverbot?

Thougth it is nice to make this picture.
This was it for today.
Love Hannah