Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today it snowed again :D

 We are having ritght now "Stilinenädal" and tomorrow is the topic "seaday". This a part of my dress-up :D
You know you are screwed...
 Some pictures not from my camera with me:

On "Peipsi- lake" next to me is Anna

Probably christmas

Coming out a icecave :D

with my hostsister

Saturday, February 25, 2012

25.2. 2012 waterfall!!!

Today I was watching the waterfall frozen. Maybe you remember this:

And Today it was like this:

 And then under the waterfall:

left is the rock and on the right side is the frozen water (=


It is really beautiful and I think my camera is not good enough to show it right. But I hope you ejoid it still.
And now, I made three no ear holes:
because of you Agi all on the left side :D thank you <3

Friday, February 24, 2012

24.2. - national day

on the 24. Febraury 1918 was the estonian independence proclaimed. So today is the independence day and in front of nearly every house you can see the flag from Estonia. On the estonian TV all day there showing old films and right now the prime minister is giving a speech. Later will be a prom and we have to see all the dresses and tal about them. Myfrinds in school said that has to be every year. And then we can gossip around^^ 
I also not has to go to school and we have been skiing (again). I am not going to be a big fan of skkiing, but it is okay. 

And I just found this Blog. If you are interested in Estonia just give it a glance:


And now some new pictures:
on the top of a "skyscraper" in Talinn. Me (right) and Maria (left) :D

We have to go iceskating. This are Eliise, Grete und Eliise. My nice classmates
Brita, also when you don't liek your pictures. I like it :D

This house reminded me on the film "labyrinth" with David Bowie. How knows it too? So much stairs and no banister.

I am just not writing so much because I don't want to make this blog to a virtual diary. 

And now I will show you a really good estonian singer. Her name is Mari pokinen and I was with my family to one of her concerts. She is really friendly and is having a beautiful voice.

I hope you enjoy it:

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tere tere vana kere

Ma ei tea, aga ma arvan enamik inimesi on minu blogi eestlased. Ma than kirjutan üks kord eest keeles, aga kurvalt ma ei tea piisavalt.
Ma armastan Eesti, selepärast inimised on nii s6brallik ja teil on kohuke ja nii palju lund (ja ma tean, viimane aasta on nii palju rohkem, kui see aasta). Aga ma olen näinud jäävees merit ja ma jooksin üle :DD

Nüüd ma ei tea, mis ma tahan kirjutada veel :D


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


13. Februar 2012, 17:19 Uhr

Ohne Schweiß kein Preis

Schwitzen und Laufen: Beim Europäischen Sauna-Marathon in Estland müssen die Teilnehmer mindestens drei Minuten in 15 verschiedenen Saunen verbringen. Auf dem Weg legen sie 100 Kilometer zurück. Der Gewinner brauchte gerade mal drei Stunden für den kuriosen Wettlauf. 


Da ist das Video :D

Ich habe mich gewundert warum so viele Menschen in Badesachen zu den Autos gerannt sind. 
Ich wusste gar nciht, dass es setwas gibt :D


Heute ist Valentinstag und wir hatten eine Schülerkonferenz. Alle Gymnasiasten saßen für vier Stunden in der Aula (natürlich mit Pause) und haben sich Vorträge angehört. Ich habe zwar nciht so viel verstanden, aber es waren welche über "Tierversuche", "Windenergie", "Hybritauto" und "Prostutition" oder so... wie gesagt, ichhabe nicht so viel verstanden. Aber es war die 95. Jahrfeier unserer tollen Schule.
Ich finde das Wort für alentinstag im estnischen schöner, es heißt "Freundschaftstag" und vor der Schule standen ein paar aus den unteren Klassen (4. oder 5.) und haben allen einne schönen Freundschaftstag gewünscht :D so süß.

Und in dem Sinne:   Alles liebe zum Freundschaftstag!!!!
                             Head sõprus päev!

Monday, February 13, 2012

watching a marathon and beeing in Otepää

My sister and my father participated in a marathon and I was watching it the first time live. It is a interestig sound when all this skiers starting. Then I was just wating with my mother in the car for them to arriveso, that we can go to Otepää.
My sister preparing for the Marathon :D
My father ready to go

an then they left ;D

My mother :D
My father after 40 km skiing
 And then we went to Otepää, a little "city" in south Estonia. We made a stop at Peipsi lake :D
Over the lake goes a street for cars because te ice is so thick and some parts looking like a "Ice Desert". So beautiful.

Now I will put here some pictures from Otepää when I was there in autum and now for comparison:

Winter :D
in autum

Not the same perspective but the same view :D

I willl add more pictures when I want, from the frzen toilette and the well in the garden :D

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It is time to write more :D

I wrote before seven days the last time, so I have to to write now. But there is not this much what I can tell you. It is a ordinary schoolweek. On the weekend there was a midyear meating from YFU and we talked in estonian about, how familylife is going and the school and with friends. It is nice tp hear that everyone is fine. But I am just have five month in Estonia left. 5!!! That is nothing at all.
And afterwards I was with two friends in the cinema and watched "Filmipäevik" :D

I really liked this film. It is an interisting way to film.
But I am afraid, that I not can tell you much, so just some more pictures from "näteringi" weekend:

Melli!! Ein weißer Flügel :D

Karmen <3

it was a interisting grown tree