Saturday, May 12, 2012

Teletorn and Lätireis

 The new Teletower near Tallinn. I drove with Ellise and Johanna with the bicycle and we just lost the way one time.

I went with some other exchange students to Riga :D The first day we just have watched some places in Estonia. Bat caves with a great sand place next to it. It was really pretty with the sun and we have been to a buildingomplex and that showed how they early-er lived in Estonia. In Riga was nice wheat-er and so we went into the sea. And Riga is a nice town I only recommend to go there.

national clothes

It is in Estonia - incredible but true

some nice bubbels

in Müchhausen museum :D
I am sorry. But the most of you know how terrible lazy I am. First time I am sorry for writing so less and second time that I just forgot to post something. But here it is :D


  1. dude, seriously.
    learn english.

    1. What is your problem? Not everyone is having English as his mother tongue.
