Tuesday, December 20, 2011

christmasfeelings :D

it is me after a long time again. I was sick sick but now I am feeling better. In four days we will have christmas. And we are having a really beautiful tree, but I don't get a nice picture. I was today to a hairdresser and my hair is shorter now. What else? But she said if I want my hair back to blond at first it will be orange and than somehow blond.
When I was on our christamsmarket with my parents I made it to let my glove falling in the onliest puddel on the place :D
no puddel on the place...

...but I found the onliest one :D

wait, what is this??

oh, Terrass is just this two meters down here ;D
And now our christmastree and I couldn't stand not to make a picture from me.
my mother made a christmascalender for me :DD

the christmastree ^-^

some christmascards (not enough)

me :D
Love Hannah

1 comment:

  1. :) bald ist weihnachten :) und ich hoffe das paket kommt in absehbarer zeit an :D ^^ naja wenn nciht kannst du dich im januar drüber freuen :D
    schould i write in english? .. hmm zu faaaaauul :D
    schön,dass es dir wieder besser geht <3 wurde auch zeit.. Morgen letzter schultag für dieses jahr.. wie ich mich freue.. :) bis bald <3
    die melly
